SS Educational Services

Early Years Apprentice of the Year Award  

SS Educational Services Ltd are proud to be sponsoring the Nursery World Early Years Apprentice of the Year Award.  

We are the only sector specific End Point Assessment Organisation in the Early Years and Childcare and families sector. We support apprentices by offering tailored advice during their Early Years EPA, and sharing the 40+ years hands on experience. 

The Early Years Apprentice of the Year Award is exactly what it sounds like. Early Years apprentices across the nation can apply to become the apprentice of the year by visiting the website here: 

What makes you the Early Years apprentice of the Year? 

Nursery World Awards say ‘Describe the role of the nominee, their approach to their training and their work, and how they successfully combine the two. Give specific examples of excellent projects/pieces of work produced as part of the apprenticeship. Show how your nominee makes a difference to children, families and/or colleagues with their work in the setting.’ 
Why does this nominee deserve to win the award? What makes them a star practitioner of the future? How do they exceed expectations of an early years apprentice?’ Nursery World Awards would look for an apprentice going above and beyond what is required. An apprentice that works hard and has a good relationship with their colleges and children they look after. During the application process apprentices have to show why they deserve to win the award.  

At SSES we believe that Early Years Practitioners and Educators help build the futures for children. It is important that – as the EPA we support the Early Years apprentice, to then support the next generation. But remember, if you are not chosen as the Early Years Apprentice of the Year, to the children in the setting you work, you are 🙂 

If you need an Early Years apprentice to take their EPA, please get in touch through our contact page.